Firefly Pointer

raja ampat papua

Kepulauan Raja Ampat merupakan destinasi wisata yang terletak di wilayah Papua. Wisata ini sudah dikenal oleh seluruh dunia karena keelokan alamnya yang sangat mempesona.

pantai tenggiri bangka belitung

Pantai Parai Tenggiri adalah salah satu objek wisata yang terletak di Kecamatan Sungai Liat, Kabupaten Bangka, Kepulauan Bangka Belitung. Tepatnya berada di Desa Sinar Baru yang kira-kira berjarak 30 kilometer di sebelah utara kota Pangkalpinang.Pantai ini memiliki kontur tanah yang landai dengan ombak yang relatif kecil.

gili trawangan lombok

gili trawangan adalah gili yang berlokasi di lombok bagian barat dan uniknya gili ini tidak terdapat kendaraan bermotor karena tidak diizinkan oleh aturan lokal dan pantai ini sering juga di sebut island party

pantai bunaken manado

Taman laut Bunaken memiliki 20 titik penyelaman (dive spot) dengan kedalaman bervariasi hingga 1.344 meter. Dari 20 titik selam itu, 12 titik selam di antaranya berada di sekitar Pulau Bunaken. Dua belas titik penyelaman inilah yang paling kerap dikunjungi penyelam dan pecinta keindahan pemandangan bawah laut.

kawah ijen jatim

sebuah gunung berapi aktif yang terletak di perbatasan antara Kabupaten Banyuwangi dan Kabupaten Bondowoso, Jawa Timur, Indonesia. Gunung ini memiliki ketinggian 2.443 mdpl dan terletak berdampingan dengan Gunung Merapi. Gunung Ijen terakhir meletus pada tahun 1999

Saturday, April 14, 2018


Indonesia have so many traditional food one of them is ayam taliwang
  • ayam taliwang is originaally from lombok island ayam taliwang is made with small free range  we called ayam kampung  and it can either grilled include with crazy amounts chilies and garlic
as soon as you bit into the chicken ,you could  hardly believe the spicinress and flavors that came from it.
but along with the wonderfull grillled chicken the glaze of chili sauce is what made it so spectaculer,it spicy,quite salty

the  second is pelecing kangkung is a spicy water spinach dish made from lombok to served with pelecing sambals served chili pepper ,shallots,garlic candlenut,jaffir etc as side is ayam taliwang.

and in LTD you can search material and learn to make it and other traditional food, so if you intrested with this food and wan to learn about this food you can contac link in bio 


Friday, April 13, 2018


indonesia very populer with culture one of them is traditional music like gendang bleq.

gendang bleq is traditional music from lombok,gendang bleq meaning gendang is drum abd bleq is big in english leanguage is mean Big drum.
so many people ask me why lombok like bali..?
its because in 1984 until 1985 lombok have war with bali  and that makes lombok like bali.
we are believe music from gendang bleq make the soliders have more spirit to war.
but now this music used when we are wedding and other pepormances.

if you intrested to learn more about history and how to play gendang bleq we are from LTD ready to teach you about gendang beleq for more  information contact link in propil.

Thursday, April 12, 2018


beautiful art from lombok
lombok is one of the most populer of  handycrafts maker in indonesia one of them is woven rattan
located in beleka village,central of lombok its the bigest of woven rattan maker in indonesia.

here you can,t just buy but you can make it the guide and comunity will show you to made.and them will be happy when you wan to join with them.

and l sugestd you to have local guide because location is so far from city of mataram.


Lombok as one of the small islands in Indonesia that has many unique cultures seen in the procession of ritual and ritual society. One of their unique designs appears in the wedding procession. This series of processes begins with Selarian, is the man who brought his girlfriend from home to go to the man's house to get married.
 The next day, the man will send family or friends as his deputy to come to the woman's house to help her get married to the man, this procession is called Selabar. Something unique in the process is that already gone for Selarian will not come even with his marriage, the procession must run perfectly. After Selabar, the women's families will send their representatives (men) to conduct a wedding ceremony or merariq as a procession to obtain the legality of marriage. And the last procession called Nyongkolan, this process is for marriage and bring the woman back home to meet family. During the process, it takes a lot of people to find from men's house to woman's house, interesting to see the procession because the people who perform traditional customs are colorful, the Beleq Gendang music and the decoration to make it very enjoyable. In every parade of Nyongkolan must have Pembayun, is the parent who believes to speak and do Adu Pantun Sasak (sasak poetry battle) very well. When a woman arrives, Pembayun will be in front of the group and be the only person who can talk to the female family. He will speak a very polite sasak language and perform a santana pantun until his victory. And the losers must count the money or what they are wearing at the moment, like a watch for the winner. After this session, the woman can make their family. Parade line Numbness is divided into three parts; The first part is a line from a date with friends, consumed by women wearing lombok custom clothes. In the second line is the part that is part of the music (Gendang Beleq or Kecimol). This procession is easy to find in Central Lombok, available every Saturday and Sunday especially after Lebaran Holiday.
The parade is also the reason for traffic congestion in Lombok but it will not make people bored because they can see the creative, the music and the habits while in the traffic. and here you will be invited to mingle to follow the stage of nyongkolan and our guide is ready to guide you to know all the information and activation from nyongkolan


about LTD

LTD is learning tourism & destination. here you are not just a vacation, here you can also learn about local wisdom, culture, even traditional food from Lombok ETC

this is a little activity overview of LTD

  • activity in farm

this is a field plow up activity , we still use buffalo and we believe this way it make rice will be fertile

the second picture is activity of plant rice with local comunities

  • handycrafts

anyaman ketak products is one of the many handicraft products marketed in Art Shop that spread in the tourist area of ​​West Nusa Tenggara and Bali. anyaman ketak is usually used as a decorative item although still attached to the function of the product. here you can buy and learn how to make it and the selller will be happy to

